Gender Identity Ideology – A Partial Bibliography of Online Coverage

This great resource has been contributed to Redline by Janie Doebuck.

She made some notes on the bibliography:

1) It is by no means exhaustive. There are tons more gender critical posts, essays, articles, podcasts, youtube videos, etc. online.
2) There are links in the bibliography that are behind paywalls. There are at least a couple suggestions regarding that. Most libraries have online resources (like Gale Academic OneFile) by which you can access international newspapers like the Times of London. Also check sites like Peak Trans ( which often publish the full text of the articles that have been put behind paywalls. Any other suggestions about easily getting behind paywalls would be appreciated.

Janie will continue to update the bibliography and if anyone has citations/links they would like her to include they can email her at   


  1. Wow this is a great resource. I have been collecting info and I think you have everything I do except the scientific articles on trying to determine the “trans” brain. Also in the “women are different from men” category, females actually utilize DNA differently than males throughout mammals. I am just reading this literature for details.


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